5 Tips to Prevent Your iPhone Screen from Scratches

Apple iPhone Repair Services in Melbourne

With the advent of digital technology, our iPhones have become indispensable gadgets that we carry with us in a lot of our lives. Our iPhones are always at our sides, helping us with everything from scheduling plans with loved ones to taking pictures and recording priceless events. With their sleek designs and vibrant displays, the screens of these devices are not only functional but also visually appealing. However, keeping your iPhone screen free from scratches can be a challenge, especially with daily use and exposure to various environmental factors.

For that reason, we’re here to show and guide you five important tips to help you prevent scratches on your iPhone screen, making sure it stays smooth and usable for a long time.

Invest in a Quality Screen Protector

One of the most effective ways to safeguard your iPhone screen from scratches is by using a screen protector. These thin, transparent films adhere to the surface of your device’s screen, providing an additional layer of protection against scratches, smudges, and fingerprints.

When selecting a screen protector, opt for a high-quality tempered glass or durable polymer material that offers superior scratch resistance without compromising touch sensitivity or display clarity. Proper installation is key to ensuring the screen protector adheres smoothly and securely, minimising the risk of dust or debris getting trapped underneath.

Use a Protective Phone Case

In addition to a screen protector, using a protective phone case can provide an extra layer of defence against scratches and impacts. Choose a case that offers overall coverage for your iPhone, including raised edges around the screen to prevent direct contact with surfaces when placed face down. Look for cases made from shock-absorbent materials like silicone or TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) that provide cushioning against drops and bumps while maintaining a slim profile.

A well-designed phone case not only protects your device from scratches but also adds a touch of personal style with a variety of colours and designs to choose from.

Practise Safe Handling and Storage

Preventing scratches on your iPhone screen starts with mindful handling and proper storage when not in use. Avoid placing your iPhone in the same pocket or bag as sharp objects such as keys, coins, or metal accessories that can cause scratches upon contact. Instead, designate a dedicated pocket or compartment for your iPhone to minimise the risk of accidental damage.

When cleaning your device, use a soft, microfiber cloth to gently wipe away smudges and debris without scratching the screen. Also refrain from using abrasive materials like paper towels or tissue paper, as they can leave behind tiny scratches that mar the surface over time.

Be Mindful of Your Environment

Your surroundings can have a significant impact on the condition of your iPhone screen. Avoid using your device in environments where it is exposed to abrasive particles or harsh chemicals that can scratch or corrode the screen. For example, refrain from using your iPhone with sandy hands at the beach or near construction sites where dust and debris are prevalent. Similarly, be cautious when applying skincare products or sunscreen, as certain ingredients may be abrasive or corrosive to the screen’s surface.

Whenever possible, use a protective barrier such as a clean cloth or sleeve to shield your iPhone from potential hazards.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Lastly, doing regular maintenance and inspection into your iPhone care routine can help detect and address potential issues before they escalate. Periodically check your device for any signs of scratches, scuffs, or damage to the screen, especially along the edges where impact is most likely to occur.

Promptly clean your iPhone screen with a microfiber cloth to remove dirt and grime that can exacerbate scratches over time. If you notice any deep scratches or cracks on the screen, refrain from attempting DIY repairs and seek professional assistance from a reputable iPhone repair service.

iPhone Repairs Melbourne CBD

We can conclude that preventing scratches on your iPhone screen requires a combination of proactive measures and mindful habits. And in the event that your iPhone screen does require repair or replacement, remember that AMT Electronics in Melbourne is your trusted destination for professional iPhone screen repair services. With their expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction, AMT Electronics ensures your iPhone receives the care and attention it deserves, restoring it to its original condition with precision and efficiency.

Suggested Read: Budget-Friendly iPhone Repairs: Unlocking Affordable Solutions in Melbourne


Are there any cleaning methods to help prevent scratches on my iPhone screen?

Yes, using a microfiber cloth or a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the screen can help remove dirt, fingerprints, and smudges without scratching the surface. Avoid using abrasive materials such as paper towels or rough fabrics, as they can cause scratches. Additionally, consider using a screen-safe cleaning solution or distilled water to dampen the cloth for more effective cleaning.

Can I repair scratches on my iPhone screen?

Minor scratches on iPhone screens may be less noticeable and can sometimes be polished out using a mild abrasive such as toothpaste or baking soda applied with a soft cloth. However, for deeper or more severe scratches, it is recommended to seek professional repair services from AMT Electronics or consider replacing the screen to restore its appearance and functionality.

How often should I check my iPhone screen for scratches?

It is advisable to regularly inspect your iPhone screen for any signs of scratches or damage, especially after exposure to potential risk factors such as drops, impacts, or contact with abrasive surfaces. Promptly addressing any scratches or damage can help prevent further deterioration and ensure the long-term durability and usability of your iPhone screen.

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